The Ear Candy Update - July 15, 2009

Here it is, you succulent listeners, the latest Ear Candy Update.

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Ear Candy Update July 15, 2009.m4a

Previously, the Update was a theme show about the legend of "Stagger" Lee Shelton. This time around we're exploring new music generally unheard by the masses because it's ignored by Clear Channel stations nationwide. The tentative plan is for two new podcasts a month with the middle of the month being a showcase for killer new tracks and the end of the month being a theme show. The next theme we plan on tackling is "Songs to Steal Cars By." Of course and as ever, your criticism is appreciated. We'll either take it under advisement, pay close attention or disregard the hell out of it.

You can email the Duke right here:

On this particular episode, the Duke attacks Clear Channel for their grievous sins, which are plenty. You won't hear commercials on the Ear Candy Update telling you where to buy your next car or what kind of beer to drink. In fact, you won't hear any commercials on the Update. You will also hear the ENTIRE SONG. No one will talk over the intro to a song or over the tail end because the Update respects the music. At Clear Channel HQ, the most wretched hive of scum and villiany in modern music, they have a staff of hundreds comparing various charts and statistics trying to pin down exactly how many spins a particular track should get per hour, per shift, per day and so on ad nauseum. If you'd like to email Clear Channel's sister-fucking greed head executives and tell them exactly how badly they've screwed the pooch you can do that right here:

CFO & President

After this, the Ear Candy Update is going to start firing guerilla warfare shots at the skeezicks at the Federal Communications Commission.

At the Ear Candy Update we abide by the Duke Ellington Axiom: There are two types of music, good and bad. As a rule, we only play the good.

Here's the boatload of goodies for this episode:

Land of the Freak - King Khan & the Shrines
Ghetto Love - Spinnerette
1901 - Phoenix
Sacred Trickster - Sonic Youth
I Wanna Kill - Crocodiles
Drink You Sober - Bitter:Sweet
Beautiful Drug - Thievery Corporation
You and I - Wilco
Jukebox of Steel - Son Volt
Soul on Fire - Spiritualized
Stillness is the Move - Dirty Projectors
Some Trees - Cymbals Eat Guitars
Treat Me Like Your Mother - Dead Weather
and a special bonus track!

Click on the album cover to go to the band's website


  1. can i subscribe to this on itunes?

  2. Not yet, E. There are some legal issues I have to which I have to attend. Nothing serious but lots of forms and paperwork. As soon as it's up and running, I'll make it happen for you.


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