An Ear Candy Update dedicated to 1968, the most turbulent year of the 20th Century.
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In returning to the mic for the first time in nearly a year, I sought to challenge myself by addressing the news, politics, and entertainment of a pivotal year in world history.
I found a profound dichotomy between the music and the events of the year. It seemed our pop sensibility was still hard-wired to the national identity, while the national conversation focused on the horror of war, assassinations of charismatic and important leaders, and reeled from riots and violent and non-violent protests the world over.
It wasn’t easy. It’s still not complete. The podcast itself is finished, but realistically I could have easily done a show for every event.
I was moved, horrified, and inspired as my research took me to dark corridors and bright avenues of the chronicle.
My working idea behind the show comes from Jagger and Richards in "Street Fighting Man":
Hey! My named is called disturbance. I’ll shout and scream. I’ll kill the king and rail at all his servants.”
With that revolutionary theme in mind, I’ll also felt empowered by Dr. King:
“You deplore the demonstrations taking place, but your statement fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with the effects and does not grapple with the underlying causes.”-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963
I feel that’s less fiery but far more important than a rock song. Take it easy, and if it’s easy, take it twice.
- Jason
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